Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cosatto twin lunar pushchair

I love prams and have had several, i do prefer singles, but i am a childminder so need a double, i spent many hours on the computer searching for the best one. I came up with two the Mountain buggy all terrain with the swivel wheel this because it is from birth, is only 73-74cm wide and looked really nice to push. Also this cosatto lunar. I went for this as it was not quite so expensive.

I opened the packaging and thought oh no this looks boring, i wish i had spent more and gone for the other but since pushing it it has grown on me!

It is only 72cms wide so fits really well through front door, with shopping bags hung on the side. it lies almost flat, for new borns, it came with two cosytoes and belt cusions to keep them all warm and snug. i have a 6 month and a 2 1/2 year old in most times which they fit fine.

It also has a slight bounce on the back wheel when loaded with children, you notice it when going up and down kerbs. The other thing, i had a old maclaren twin before which i used to have to put my foot on the back to get the front off the ground for kerbs, this one you can just pull back with your arms, no need for feet as well!

I would recomend it, hope this has been helpful.

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