If you have already paid for a fake Anya Hindmarch bagand would like to get your money back, this may help you
The first thing to do is contact the seller stating that you want a refund as the item is a fake and violates Ebay's policiesIf you have paid with Paypal, you should also advise the seller that he or she should use the refund link which is in the actual Paypal transaction itself. This enables you to get your money back without paying a paypal charge to recieve it and also protects you from them doing what I am about to explain here.
If the seller does not respond or refund you, then I would send one more message stating that if you do not recieve the refund, you will raise a dispute with paypal and log a complaint with ebay for selling fakes. The hope is here that they will not want Ebay or Paypal to become involved and discover the fact that they are selling fakes. Hopefully this will get a quick solution.
If that hasn't worked, then Paypal's Resolution Centre to contact the seller. That can be found as you go into your paypal account. If that dosn't work then escalate it to a claim with Paypal. Paypal will then look into it and may ask you and or the seller for further information. This can take some time, so you will need to be patient. If Paypal decide against you, then there is something called a chargeback if you have used a credit card to fund the transaction through Paypal.
If they decided in your favour and the seller has money in their account, Paypal will take it from there and give it back to you. If there is no money in the sellers account, then you may never get it back through Paypal, even though they claim to do all that they can to do so. Paypal will advise you if they find in your favour, but there is no money in the sellers account. If you have funded Paypal for the transaction with a credit card, you can now do a chargeback.
What is Important about the Paypal
Orignal From: Already Paid for a Fake Anya Hindmarch Bag ?
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