Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bidding Techniques and Auction Winning Secrets

To bid - or not to bid, that is the question.
Thankyou for taking the time to look at this brief article. As a real-life auctioneer and valuer, I can hopefully offer you a little insight into real life auction scenarios, which you may like to consider applying to your ebay bidding techniques. Either way, I hope you will find it interesting.
In a real life auction room you will find many bidders, some experienced, some not, some professional, others not so professional. You will also find, if you speak to the more experienced bidders, each will have their own particular techniques for bidding, and for securing that bargain at the best possible price.
Here are some examples of bidding techniques:
JUMP BIDDING This is where the bidder will try to frighten off competing bidders. For example, if an item is being auctioned and the bid is at 80.00 going up in increments of 10.00 at a time, then the jump bidder may attempt to frighten off competing bidders by offering a much higher bid, of say 150.00 - that can frighten off the other bidders and grind the auction to a halt. It can of course have the oppositte effect too and encourage other bidders to jump in quickly, almost with a sense of panic, assuming that the item must be worth far in excess of this amount.

Orignal From: Bidding Techniques and Auction Winning Secrets

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