Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Juicy Couture Photos of FAKE Bags Sold on eBay UK!

FAKEDesigner Juicy Couture Handbags Photos Revealed! By: Spoil Myself TodaySee Part II Tech Traders Wholesale Scams Revealed! andPart III More Photos of Fake Juicy Bags Revealed! At Spoil Myself Today we are highly aware of the number of sellers on eBay who sell fake Juicy Couture Handbags and Accessories. We just wanted to point out a few photos that these sellers are commonly using to promote their FAKE Juicy Couture Handbags. If you see these photos ask the sellers why are you using photos from King Tide Bag Factory, or Tech Traders? This gets the seller every time, and they usually respond with a very aggressive tone defending their product. However with experience and after speaking direct with the trademark I can confirm that there are NO WHOLESALERS of JUICY COUTURE only RETAILS, all others are simply fakes. You have to be in business (not eBay) ideally a boutique, or proper shop to sell designer handbags, and you have to be approved to sell them from the trademark. You can't wake up one day and say I am going to sell Juicy Couture, it just does not work that way. Here are some photos that I have taken off of King Tide Bag Factory's site, they sell AAA FAKES! Don't buy from sellers who use these photos, it's a red flag! All of these photos have been taken from the following sites and I must stress not taken from ANY SELLERS on eBay although eBay sellers use these photos they are not taken from any auctions:King Tide Bag Factory BAGSALL BAGS ARE AAA QUALITY FAKES! This Juicy Couture Daydreamer hand bag costs the seller only $55.00 USD and is selling on eBay UK for well over

Orignal From: Juicy Couture Photos of FAKE Bags Sold on eBay UK!

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