If like me you have been browsing ebay for some time wondering how you can tap into the market and make a profit yourself then you may find my guide useful. I have been buying/selling cosmetics for a number of years and it has not always been easy and took a few months to get things right so here are a few tips to help you on yor way..............
Do not buy endless lists stating they can give you wholesale secrets or buy into "drop ship" schemes. All the information you need is on the public domain and using different methods within the search engine will enable you to find these suppliers yourself. Any reputable drop-shipping company will not ask you for a sign up fee. After all you are advertising there goods so why should you pay for that privelidge?, most reputable suppliers will also have a "no minimum order" service.
When buying cosmetics off ebay either for yourself or to sell on be safe and check the items are within date and are legit, do your research and after checking the contents of my own makeup bag to those I have purchased on ebay I was astounded how many products were fake or out of date. An example, a Mascara will dry up and have a distinguished smell when it has gone past its use by date. Cosmetics are after all intended for the face which is the most sensitive are of the body so please ensure you test any products you are unsure of on the back of your arm and leave for a short while before using to ensure you have no reaction to the product.
The trends within the health and beauty section moves extremely fast, always alternate what you are selling. When competitors see a particular item is selling well or the method you use is selling your products quickly the market will soon be flooded with these products/methods so always try and keep one step ahead. If you have found your supplier then check the retail price on ebay first, you may find you can get the items cheaper on ebay rather than from the suppliers. One supplier I used became so popular on here everyone was using them and if you keep your eyes peeled for those bargains you can as I said earlier get them cheaper on ebay.
Start looking for items after christmas, from Sep/Oct the prices start to rise in the build up to Christmas, after then the prices plummet. Look for the bargains in January and hold onto the stock but please remember to ensure the products will remain within date.
Some products do not have dates on them but it is easy to establish which are old stock. Nail VArnish for example can split with an oily residue on the top, a good shake-up of the bottle and the product is as good as new.
I hope you have found this guide useful and if you have any queries regarding wholesalers etc please contact me through ebay's messaging system.
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