1.Handbags These days it is important to be aware of the fact that fraudsters are present on Ebay - this shouldnt spoil your shopping experience though and if you follow a few simple tips you can ensure that you will not fall victim to one.
Firstly - here are the items that are most commonly subject to fraud.
1.Handbags such as Hermes, Luella,LV, Mulberry and Chloe! 90% of bags offered on Ebay are actually HK fakes. Go to the shop first and look at the bag of your choice closely - this will later help you to identify a fake. Also ensure that you see pictures of the actual bag for sale and NOT catalogue, ad or original pictures. You can also contact My Poupette - who offer guides on certain bag and also identify fakes for you! You will also find some sellers that are My Poupette verified - who are safe and whom you can trust to sell authentic goods. Lastly, don't buy a bag for 100 or even 300 - it's impossible for sellers to offer authentic bags that cheap.
2. Purses such as Burberry,LV and Chloe 99 percent fake please check this out with shops whatever you buy .Remember why would someone sell a Gucci 200 pound purse for 20.00. Answer easy 99 percent are Fakes.
3. Sunglasses.Dior,Gucci,LV,Burberry, 90 percent are fakes and you are better not waisting your time or money buying these on e bay without asking for close up pictures of sunglasses not a link. Nobody will be selling authentic sunglasses for 19.99 with bad copies and boxes. Think before you buy what would you expect to see quailty and authentic guarantee. Look at sellers feedback and also pictures. Make sure you can pay through paypal and that they have sellers protection with paypal .
Here are some further basic guidelines for Safe Trading:
- Do NOT use Money Transfer for paying for items - this is the riskiest way to pay - and fraudsters almost always use this method to remain confidential about their identity.
- Always read feedback, ensure you only buy high value items from verified and experienced buyers.
- Ask questions regarding the item before bidding - if you do not get a reply there's a good chance the seller is dishonest - as honest sellers almost always answer potential customer queries.
- Read Ebay's advice on Safe Trading in their safety center and the safe payment information.
- Always know the item you want to buy, especially when buying designer items. Make sure you have seen the real deal before bidding on one on Ebay - as to ensure you can spot fakes.
- Always read the description of an item, sounds obvious, but many people still dont read them .
Here are some further basic guidelines for Safe Trading: - Do NOT use Money Transfer for paying for items - this is the riskiest way to pay - and fraudsters almost always use this method to remain confidential about their identity.
- Always read feedback, ensure you only buy high value items from verified and experienced buyers.
- Ask questions regarding the item before bidding - if you do not get a reply there's a good chance the seller is dishonest - as honest sellers almost always answer potential customer queries.
- Read Ebay's advice on Safe Trading in their safety center and the safe payment information.
- Always know the item you want to buy, especially when buying designer items. Make sure you ve seen the real deal before bidding on one on Ebay - as to ensure you can spot fakes.
- Always read the description of an item, sounds obvious, but many people still dont read them
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